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guides:how-to-set-up-htpasswd-authentication-in-apache [2016-08-12 16:45:27] (current)
rory.blanchard created
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 +====== How to Set Up Password Protection for Apache ======
 +Apache can set up password protection for directories and files using htpasswd and htaccess rules.
 +===== Installing Tools =====
 +The installation of the needed tools are slightly different for Debian/Redhat based distros.
 +<note warning>
 +You will need to have Apache installed to use this guide
 +==== Debian/Ubuntu ====
 +Run the following command:
 +sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
 +==== Redhat/CentOS ====
 +Run the following command:
 +sudo yum install httpd-tools
 +===== Creating the Password Storage File =====
 +After installing the tools to be able to create the password, we can then use the tools to be able to create it.
 +<note tip>
 +You will want to keep the .htpasswd file in a secure location that is not publicly available.
 +Run the following code, substituting the path with the location of your choosing and the username you would like to create the password for:
 +sudo htpasswd -c /path/to/directory/.htpasswd <username>
 +I used the -c option to create the file, for adding additional users, leave out the -c option
 +After you run the command, you will receive a prompt to create the password for that user.
 +===== Restricting Access =====
 +Now that you've created a password file and you've added users, you need to password protect the directories of your choice.
 +You will create a .htaccess file in the directory that you want to protect with the following command.
 +touch .htaccess
 +Once you've created the file, you will use your preferred text editor to add the following lines to the .htaccess file.
 +AuthType Basic
 +AuthName "Restricted Content"
 +AuthUserFile /path/to/directory/.htpasswd
 +Require valid-user
 +<note tip>
 +Make sure to use the same path to the file that you created earlier
 +Save the file and close it, then restart your apache server to implement the change.