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MariaDB (MySQL) Fails to start over InnoDB issue in 10.2.28

A recent cPanel update to MariaDB from version 10.2.27 to 10.2.28 has caused an issue with the service is not starting for some users. A quick fix for this issue is to downgrade your MariaDB, this can be done using the yum package manager with the following commands:

yum -y downgrade MariaDB-server MariaDB-common MariaDB-shared MariaDB-client MariaDB-compat MariaDB-devel

You can see your current version with the following commad:

rpm -qa|grep SQL

If you are experiencing this issue you likely had a recent cPanel & WHM update process (v84.0.6 to v84.0.7) fail with the following reason:

Maintenance ended; however, it did not exit cleanly (256). The following events were logged: “scripts/mysqlconnectioncheck”.

The above indicated MariaDB (mysql) was not running after the update


Last Tested — Steve Minter 2019-11-06 03:23:03

Test Environment:

  • cPanel v84.0.7 [84.0 (build 7)]
  • Centos/CloudLinux 7.7