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cloudlinux:no-such-table-error-log [2016-07-13 17:45:07] (current)
rory.blanchard created
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 +====== LVEstats Error Message "no such table" ======
 +LVEstats is a service the controls the updates of usage statistics within LVE. Sometimes however you will notice your stats not updating or see an error message in **/var/log/messages** like the following:
 +lvestats-server[2648]: <class 'sqlite3.OperationalError'>: no such table:
 +This error can be fixed by reinitializing the sqlite database.
 +Run the following commands to reinitialize the database:
 +service lvestats stop
 +mv /var/lve/lveinfo.db /var/lve/lveinfo.db_backup
 +service lvestats start
 +Once you have run that, lvestats should restart and you shouldn't see the message any more unless the database gets corrupted again.