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How to add additional commands to CageFS users in CloudLinux

Adding these will allow them to be used by all users after CageFS has been reinitialized.

Use SSH to log into your server as root.

Using your favorite text editor, open the file /etc/cagefs/conf.d/binutils.cfg

nano /etc/cagefs/conf.d/binutils.cfg

You will see a list of commands separated by commas on the line that starts with paths
paths=/bin/arch, /bin/awk, /bin/basename, /bin/cat, /bin/chgrp...

Append the full path of the command you want to add; one at a time, separated by commas to the end of the line. Once you have added what you want, save the file.

To apply the change, run the following command cagefsctl -r and you will see the following output:

**cagefsctl -r**
WARNING:  10 CageFS currently mounted.
If you proceed, CageFS will be temporarily disabled and unmounted.
Do you want to continue (yes/no)? yes
 CageFS has been disabled
Copying /usr/bin/git to /usr/share/cagefs-skeleton/usr/bin/git
Updating users ...
CageFS has been enabled
Updating statuses of users ...